



How do you bind to an objects method in this scenario in WPF?

public class RootObject
    public string Name { get; }

    public ObservableCollection<ChildObject> GetChildren() {...}

public class ChildObject
    public string Name { get; }


<TreeView ItemsSource="some list of RootObjects">
        <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type data:RootObject}" 
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
        <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type data:ChildObject}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />

Here I want to bind to the GetChildren method on each RootObject of the tree.

EDIT Binding to an ObjectDataProvider doesn't seem to work because I'm binding to a list of items, and the ObjectDataProvider needs either a static method, or it creates it's own instance and uses that.

For example, using Matt's answer I get:

System.Windows.Data Error: 33 : ObjectDataProvider cannot create object; Type='RootObject'; Error='Wrong parameters for constructor.'

System.Windows.Data Error: 34 : ObjectDataProvider: Failure trying to invoke method on type; Method='GetChildren'; Type='RootObject'; Error='The specified member cannot be invoked on target.' TargetException:'System.Reflection.TargetException: Non-static method requires a target.

+3  A: 

Not sure how well it will work in your scenario, but you can use the MethodName property on ObjectDataProvider to have it call a specific method (with specific parameters if you MethodParameters property) to retrieve its data.

Here's a snippet taken directly from the MSDN page:

    <ObjectDataProvider ObjectType="{x:Type local:TemperatureScale}"
        MethodName="ConvertTemp" x:Key="convertTemp">

So that's an ObjectDataProvider that's calling a "ConvertTemp" method on an instance of a "TemperatureScale" class, passing two parameters (0 and TempType.Celsius).

Matt Hamilton
I've updated my answer based on your answer.
Cameron MacFarland
+4  A: 

Do you have to bind to the method?

Can you bind to a property who's getter is the method?

public ObservableCollection<ChildObject> Children
      return GetChildren();
Michael Prewecki
I have to bind to a method.
Cameron MacFarland
I take Cameron's comment to mean that he is binding to a type that he can not add a property to.
Drew Noakes
+2  A: 

Unless you can add a property to call the method (or create a wrapper class that adds that property) the only way I know of is using a ValueConverter.


ObjectDataProvider also has an ObjectInstance property that can be used instead of ObjectType

Graham Ambrose

Did anyone find a solution to the problem? I would greatly appreciate a sample.

-1 this is a question and not an answer.

You can use System.ComponentModel to define properties for a type dynamically (they're not part of the compiled metadata). I used this approach in WPF to enable binding to a type that stored its values in fields, as binding to fields is not possible.

The ICustomTypeDescriptor and TypeDescriptionProvider types might allow you to achieve what you want. According to this article:

TypeDescriptionProvider allows you to write a separate class that implements ICustomTypeDescriptor and then to register this class as the provider of descriptions for other types.

I haven't tried this approach myself, but I hope it's helpful in your case.

Drew Noakes
+6  A: 

Another approach that might work for you is to create a custom IValueConverter that takes a method name as a parameter, so that it would be used like this:

    Converter={StaticResource MethodToValueConverter},

This converter would find and invoke the method using reflection. This requires the method to not have any arguments.

Here's an example of such a converter's source:

public sealed class MethodToValueConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var methodName = parameter as string;
        if (value==null || methodName==null)
            return value;
        var methodInfo = value.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, new Type[0]);
        if (methodInfo==null)
            return value;
        return methodInfo.Invoke(value, new object[0]);

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotSupportedException("MethodToValueConverter can only be used for one way conversion.");

And a corresponding unit test:

public void Convert()
    var converter = new MethodToValueConverter();
    Assert.AreEqual("1234", converter.Convert(1234, typeof(string), "ToString", null));
    Assert.AreEqual("ABCD", converter.Convert(" ABCD ", typeof(string), "Trim", null));

    Assert.IsNull(converter.Convert(null, typeof(string), "ToString", null));

    Assert.AreEqual("Pineapple", converter.Convert("Pineapple", typeof(string), "InvalidMethodName", null));

Note that this converter does not enforce the targetType parameter.

Drew Noakes
Hmmm,...seems like a hack but I'm starting to think this might be the only way. It's damn sure gonna be the easiest!