




I would like to fadeOut() an image on the page and remove it from the DOM after the animation is finished. Sounds easy enough?

Example code (image has the id "img1"):

   $("#img1").fadeOut("slow", function() { $(this).remove() });

This does does not work. When I inspect the page with Firebug the image is still there. It is just hidden.

Second example which should kind of flash the image:

   $("#img1").fadeOut("slow", function() { $(this).fadeIn() });


+3  A: 

Both of examples work as expected for me, as demonstrated here (apologies for the bad image, it was the first thing I found!). Image 1 fades out and then is removed from the DOM, Image2 fades out then back in, in the position of where Image1 was originally positioned.

Have I understood you correctly?

P.S. You can edit the example here

Russ Cam

jQuery supports chaining, which means you can obtain the same thing with the following commands:


It looks nicer, and it'll work =)

Tomas Lycken
We I tried here last time it didn't work. The image was removed instantly, so I had to use the callback function, exactly like OP did.
when you do the chaining, it is not guaranteed to happen one after the other, in fact it rarely does happen one after the other, this is why using the callback function ensures that the remove and fadeIn occurs after the fadeOut has completed
Jon Erickson

Its working for me. The HTML Inspector in Firebug 1.2.1 clearly shows the element being removed. Perhaps you're not using the latest JQuery?

My test code is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt;
  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

    $("p").click(function () {
      $("p").fadeOut("slow", function()

  p { font-size:150%; cursor:pointer; }
    If you click on this paragraph
    you'll see it just fade away.

Thanks for the example pages which work great and as expected.

The problem must be something else and only occurs in my project environment.

Side note: when I do a simple console.log($(this)) in my callback function the result is the window object itself?!

When I find out what side effects create the problem I'll update this question.

+1  A: 

Query supports chaining, which means you can obtain the same thing with the following commands:

$('#img1').fadeOut('slow').remove(); $('#img1').fadeOut('slow').fadeIn('slow');

It looks nicer, and it'll work =)


will work because jQuery will queue effects, but when you call


framework will run fadeOut in background and acts remove() before object even begin to fade out

+1 for explaining why effect chaining and .remove() act differently
Andrew Burns