I was looking for exactly the same thing, and I came across this post. (the indenting provided in xml.dom.minidom broke another tool that I was using to manipulate the XML, and I needed it to be indented) I tried the accepted solution with a slightly more complex example and this was the result:
In [1]: import pxdom
In [2]: xml = '<a><b>fda</b><c><b>fdsa</b></c></a>'
In [3]: doc = pxdom.parseString(xml)
In [4]: doc.domConfig.setParameter('format-pretty-print', True)
In [5]: print doc.pxdomContent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
The pretty printed XML isn't formatted correctly, and I'm not too happy about monkey patching (i.e. I barely know what it means, and understand it's bad), so I looked for another solution.
I'm writing the output to file, so I can use the xmlindent program for Ubuntu ($sudo aptitude install xmlindent). So I just write the unformatted to the file, then call the xmlindent from within the python program:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
Popen(["xmlindent", "-i", "2", "-w", "-f", "-nbe", file_name],
The -w switch causes the file to be overwritten, but annoyingly leaves a named e.g. "myfile.xml~" which you'll probably want to remove. The other switches are there to get the formatting right (for me).
P.S. xmlindent is a stream formatter, i.e. you can use it as follows:
cat myfile.xml | xmlindent > myfile_indented.xml
So you might be able to use it in a python script without writing to a file if you needed to.