I have a listview with 4 columns - Name, Extension, Size and Location. I have a method that takes the file size in bytes and converts to KB, MB, GB, etc as needed. An example output would be a 1024 byte file which is printed as "1KB". This value is then placed in the listview.
What I need to do is sort the size column intelligently. Right now the sorting is just a simple comparison so 1025 KB is higher than 1024 MB. How can I make it "size aware"?
My current sorting code is from this KB article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319401 And here is my code that generates the file size text:
public static string getDynamicFileSize(string fileName)
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);
long sizeInBytes = fi.Length;
if (sizeInBytes >= 1073741824)
double sizeInGB = sizeInBytes / Math.Pow(1024, 3);
return Math.Round(sizeInGB, 2) + " GB";
if (sizeInBytes >= 1048576)
double sizeInMB = sizeInBytes / Math.Pow(1024, 2);
return Math.Round(sizeInMB, 2) + " MB";
if (sizeInBytes >= 1024)
double sizeInKB = sizeInBytes / Math.Pow(1024,1);
return Math.Round(sizeInKB, 2) + " KB";
//No conversion needed
return sizeInBytes + " bytes";
Thank you.