



I have a simple SQL script that I execute manually from Visual Studio. It is a data generation script so I expect it to take a couple of minutes to run. But I get the following error.

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

I don wan't to change any global server settings to be able to run this one file. Is there any commands that I could put at the top of the file to increase the timeout for just that script/transaction?


Never mind, I can run it fine with SQL Management Studio.


SQL Server will wait indefinitely before returning to the user. More than likely there was a client side timeout property set. For example you can set a timeout property for the ADO command object.

Cheers, Andy.

Andy Jones
+2  A: 

If you use SQL Management Studio, there are two settings in the options (I'm referring to Management Studio from SQL Server 2005, which I use):
(my Management Studio is in German, so I hope I translated the names correctly into English)

You can find both in the menu under "Extras" --> "Options"

In the options, the first one is under "Query Execution", you can set the "Execution Timeout" there (mine was on zero already)

The second one (and I think this is what you need) is the first option under "Designer", it says something like "Override Timeout for table designer updates", you can check a box and put in a value there.
Some time ago, I had a problem similar to yours (timeout message when running ALTER TABLE on a large table), and I solved it by setting this option to a higher value.

+1 Good information and easy to follow I was just having the same problem and this solved it. Good translation too, just one thing in the English version it is "Tools"->"Options".

Increasing the CommandTimeout property will solves the problem i.e.

SqlCommandObject.CommandTimeout = 500000
