I have a web user control which my aspx page contains. During testing I discovered a exception being thrown. (The general rule that is in place, is that when an exception occurs the user is redirected to a excpetion page detailing the error)
Once the excpetion was handled in my User Control I wanted to throw it to the page where the parsing and redirect could occur safely. I do this in other circumstances by using the Global Asax, Application_Error to deal with the redirect etc. however all that happened when I threw the exception from the user contorl was I got a horrible javascript type dialog with the exception message.
To work around this I declared an Event which is then raised from the user control with the exception as the parameter. I can successfully parse the expception to the required format and redirect the user to the exception page.
My question(s) are these
Why does throwing the exception from the user control only result in the javascript dialog and not the Global.asax error handling kicking in.
Is there a way to force consumers of the control to handle my custom error event? Simialr to a "MustImplement" -----a "MustHandle" kind of affair?