I want to write a little "DBQuery" function in perl so I can have one-liners which send an SQL statement and receive back and an array of hashes, i.e. a recordset. However, I'm running into an issue with Perl syntax (and probably some odd pointer/reference issue) which is preventing me from packing out the information from the hash that I'm getting from the database. The sample code below demonstrates the issue.
I can get the data "Jim" out of a hash inside an array with this syntax:
print $records[$index]{'firstName'}
returns "Jim"
but if I copy the hash record in the array to its own hash variable first, then I strangely can't access the data anymore in that hash:
%row = $records[$index];
returns "" (blank)
Here is the full sample code showing the problem. Any help is appreciated:
my @records = (
{'id' => 1, 'firstName' => 'Jim'},
{'id' => 2, 'firstName' => 'Joe'}
my @records2 = ();
$numberOfRecords = scalar(@records);
print "number of records: " . $numberOfRecords . "\n";
for(my $index=0; $index < $numberOfRecords; $index++) {
print 'you can print the records like this: ' . $records[$index]{'firstName'} . "\n";
#does NOT work
%row = $records[$index];
print 'but not like this: ' . $row{'firstName'} . "\n";