



I'm able to use putty to tunnel into my University network and connect to all the local servers in my university. I can also the university proxy to browse internet. I was wondering if there is any software that I can use, which will enable me to access the active directory files through the SSH tunnel remotely.


Perhaps I am on the wrong path, but the active directory is a "directory service" which provides authentication, and not exactly files.

Do you want to access files on "shared folders"?

For that, more information is needed: - How do you tunnel? Is this a VPN-Connection? Have you tried \\SERVERNAME.COMPLETELY.WRITTEN\foldername ? - Do you ssh directly into a machines commandline? What machine?

Skaldrom Y. Sarg

I believe you are talking about using SSH to proxy connections to your Universities AD servers? For example, running a tool like Active Directory Users and Computers on your home computer through SSH tunnel? ADUC uses RPC to communicate with DC's, and I would think you would have a hard time getting all the RPC ports through the SSH tunnel.

You might be better off using a RDP session through a SSH tunnel to the Domain Controller or another server in your environment. More information on what you're trying to do would be very helpful in completing this answer.
