



I am no longer able to graphically see tables, server or databases in Visual Studio 2008. If I open previously created datasets all I see is the XML as if I had selected view code instead of designer, I have also lost my server explorer window and when I try to re-add it from tools --> connect to server or database nothing happens. Nothing was installed before or after this issue appeared. Please offer any suggestions.

Current relevant environment:

  • OS: Windows XP SP3
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2008 SP1
  • SQL: Sql Server 2000
+1  A: 

Silly question, but I hit this a lot. If you're running Vista with UAC enabled and the SQL box is localhost, you have to start VS2008 as administrator to open the connection.

Ray Booysen

Issue resolved by restoring computer turns out a lot issues were starting to cascade and I hads to restore the whole computer to an earlier state.
