



In the two following snippets, is the first one safe or must you do the second one?

By safe I mean is each thread guaranteed to call the method on the Foo from the same loop iteration in which the thread was created?

Or must you copy the reference to a new variable "local" to each iteration of the loop?

var threads = new List<Thread>();
foreach (Foo f in ListOfFoo)
    Thread thread = new Thread(() => f.DoSomething());


var threads = new List<Thread>();
foreach (Foo f in ListOfFoo)
    Foo f2 = f;
    Thread thread = new Thread(() => f2.DoSomething());

Update: As pointed out in Jon Skeet's answer, this doesn't have anything specifically to do with threading.

Foo f2 = f;

points to the same reference as


So nothing lost and nothing gained ...

The point is that the compiler performs some magic here to lift the local variable into the scope of the implicitly created closure. The question is if the compiler understands to do this for the loop variable. The compiler is known for a few weaknesses regarding lifting so this is a good question.
Konrad Rudolph
It's not magic. It simply captures the environment. The problem here and with for loops, is that the capture variable gets mutated (re-assigned).
leppie: the compiler generates code for you, and it's not easy to see in general *what* code this is exactly. This is *the* definition of compiler magic if ever there was one.
Konrad Rudolph
leppie: (cont'd) and since others have pointed out that code 1 is actually *not* enough, this example illustrates perfectly why the name "magic" is well-earned. Intuitively, the behaviour should be the same. Why isn't it? Magic.
Konrad Rudolph
It's not the code, it's the semantics, and they are clearly defined.
@konrad: my original point makes that clear now (variable is mutated).All you to imagine is that everything is wrapped in a class, and so they say goes, closures are the poor man's classes or was that classes are the poor man's closures? ;)
sorry for all the typos :( 1. have to imagine 2. so the saying goes.
@leppie: I'm with Konrad here. The lengths the compiler goes to *feel* like magic, and although the semantics are clearly defined they're not well understood. What's the old saying about anything not well understood being comparable to magic?
Jon Skeet
@Jon Skeet Do you mean "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" :)
John Price
It does not point to a reference. It is a reference. It points to the same object, but it is a different reference.
+9  A: 

Your need to use option 2, creating a closure around a changing variable will use the value of the variable when the variable is used and not at closure creation time.

The implementation of anonymous methods in C# and its consequences (part 1)

The implementation of anonymous methods in C# and its consequences (part 2)

The implementation of anonymous methods in C# and its consequences (part 3)

Edit: to make it clear, in C# closures are "lexical closures" meaning they don't capture a variable's value but the variable itself. That means that when creating a closure to a changing variable the closure is actually a reference to the variable not a copy of it's value.

Edit2: added links to all blog posts if anyone is interested in reading about compiler internals.

Pop Catalin
I think that goes for value and reference types.
-1 because the links are rather irrelevant, and the really relevant links — [number one]( and [number two]( — are missing.
+41  A: 

The second is safe; the first isn't.

With foreach, the variable is declared outside the loop - i.e.

Foo f;
     f = iterator.Current;
    // do something with f

This means that there is only 1 f in terms of the closure scope, and the threads might very likely get confused - calling the method multiple times on some instances and not at all on others. You can fix this with a second variable declaration inside the loop:

foreach(Foo f in ...) {
    Foo tmp = f;
    // do something with tmp

This then has a separate tmp in each closure scope, so there is no risk of this issue.

Here's a simple proof of the problem:

    static void Main()
        int[] data = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
        foreach (int i in data)
            new Thread(() => Console.WriteLine(i)).Start();

Outputs (at random):


Add a temp variable and it works:

        foreach (int i in data)
            int j = i;
            new Thread(() => Console.WriteLine(j)).Start();

(each number once, but of course the order isn't guaranteed)

Marc Gravell
Thank you, Marc. Nice post.
+10  A: 

Pop Catalin and Marc Gravell's answers are correct. All I want to add is a link to my article about closures (which talks about both Java and C#). Just thought it might add a bit of value.

EDIT: I think it's worth giving an example which doesn't have the unpredictability of threading. Here's a short but complete program showing both approaches. The "bad action" list prints out 10 ten times; the "good action" list counts from 0 to 9.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Test
    static void Main() 
        List<Action> badActions = new List<Action>();
        List<Action> goodActions = new List<Action>();
        for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)
            int copy = i;
            badActions.Add(() => Console.WriteLine(i));
            goodActions.Add(() => Console.WriteLine(copy));
        Console.WriteLine("Bad actions:");
        foreach (Action action in badActions)
        Console.WriteLine("Good actions:");
        foreach (Action action in goodActions)
Jon Skeet
Thanks - I appended the question to say it's not really about threads.
It was also in one of the talks that you have in video on your site
Yes, I seem to remember I used a threading version there, and one of the feedback suggestions was to avoid threads - it's clearer to use an example like the one above.
Jon Skeet
Nice to know the videos are getting watched though :)
Jon Skeet
+1  A: 

This is an interesting question and it seems like we have seen people answer in all various ways. I was under the impression that the second way would be the only safe way. I whipped a real quick proof:

class Foo
    private int _id;
    public Foo(int id)
        _id = id;
    public void DoSomething()
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Thread: {0} Id: {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, this._id));
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var ListOfFoo = new List<Foo>();
        ListOfFoo.Add(new Foo(1));
        ListOfFoo.Add(new Foo(2));
        ListOfFoo.Add(new Foo(3));
        ListOfFoo.Add(new Foo(4));

        var threads = new List<Thread>();
        foreach (Foo f in ListOfFoo)
            Thread thread = new Thread(() => f.DoSomething());

if you run this you will see option 1 is definetly not safe.

Thanks for the full program :)

Both of the examples in the original post are incorrect. Unless using a type then regardless where the variable passed into the thread is declared it will still reference the value set in the current loop. I have ran into this problem countess times and the only way I have found around this is to set your class as ICloneable and to perform a MemberWiseClone() before passing the object into the thread.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong because I am still in search for a better solution.
