



I am wanting to try to tie the CryptUnprotectData windows API function and the .net SecureString together the best way possible. CryptUnprotectData returns a DATA_BLOB structure consisting of an array of bytes and a byte length. In my program this will be a Unicode UTF-16 string. SecureString has a constructor which takes a char* and length params, so I would like to be able to do something like:

SecureString ss = SecureString((char*)textBlob.pbData, textBlob.cbData / 2);

This works, except UTF-16 is variable length, so I don't really know what to use as the length argument. The above example assumes 2 byte characters (BMP), but for other planes it could be up to 4 bytes. I need to know the number of UTF-16 characters in the byte array. What is the best way to do this without copying the values around in memory (thereby compromising security). I plan on zeroing out and freeing the byte array as quickly as possible.

+1  A: 

Most of the Windows API deals with UTF-16 code points as far as I'm aware - in other words, you treat surrogate pairs as two code points instead of a single character. Given that the constructor for SecureString is dealing with a pointer to .NET System.Char values (which are UTF-16) I think the code snippet you've got is fine - the number of elements in pbData is half its size in bytes.

For instance if pbData contained (just) a surrogate pair, cbData would be 4 and you'd still want to pass in 2 as the second argument - because that's the number of System.Char values you're constructing the SecureString from. The fact that it's one non-BMP unicode character is irrelevant to the number of UTF-16 System.Char values it's represented in.

(And yes, the support for non-BMP data is a bit of a mess, and I suspect very few people get it right everywhere. I'm sure I don't. Fortunately in many places you don't need to worry...)

Jon Skeet
Thanks alot Jon, that makes perfect sense! This stuff all still new to me.

You might want to look at the book Secure Code from microsoft press. They had a really good implementation in .net of a secure string.

My only advice is if you can find a .net implmentation of this class to use it, as security code is really really hard to get right.

SecureString *is* a .NET class.
Jon Skeet
pwned :(I knew one existed... Guess you learn something every day.