I've had a similar problem. While 'taskkill excel.exe' or enumerating all "excel" processes and killing them does work, this kills ALL running Excel processes. You're better off killing only the instance you're currently working with.
Here's the code I used to accomplish that. It uses a PInvoke (see here) to get the ProcessID from the Excel.Application instance (Me.ExcelInstance in the example below).
Dim ExcelPID As Integer
GetWindowThreadProcessId(New IntPtr(Me.ExcelInstance.Hwnd), ExcelPID)
If ExcelPID > 0 Then
Dim ExcelProc As Process = Process.GetProcessById(ExcelPID)
If ExcelProc IsNot Nothing Then ExcelProc.Kill()
End If
Please not this might not work on all platforms because of the PInvoke... To date, this is the only method I have found to be reliable. I have also tried to find the correct PID by enumarating all Excel processes and comparing the Process.MainModule.BaseAddress to the Excel.Application.Hinstance.
'DO NOT USE THIS METHOD, for demonstration only
For Each p as Process in ExcelProcesses
Dim BaseAddr As Integer = p.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32()
If BaseAddr = Me.ExcelInstance.Hinstance Then
Exit For
End If
This is not a reliable way to find the correct process, as the BaseAddress sometimes seems to be the same for several processes (resulting in killing the wrong PID).