



What is the best references/links,cheatsheets for the MDX language? Here are a few starters that I have collected. Please share yours :)

+2  A: 

This stackoverflow posting has a list of MDX and Analysis Services references. Some are books and some are web based.

+1  A: 

It's perhaps hard to look through if you don't know what you're looking for, but the Microsoft MDX Reference is actually very good if you know the name of the functions.

Obviously (or perhaps not that obviously) the MDX implementation differs between OLAP sources, and the Microsoft reference is tailored towards Analysis Services.

+5  A: 

I was the only one in a company that knew MDX, and had to write this for my poor colleagues before I left...

MDX Introduction for newcomers, with examples

Magnus Smith
Thanks. I have been looking for this forever. Maybe you could create a html edition that way it would be easier for people to link to and also read.
Anders Rune Jensen

You'll find some MDX documentation (introduction and reference) at :

Marc Polizzi