This question asks how to restrict for a whole server. I just want to do so for a single report. I found a code snippet but it doesn't provide any clues on how to implement:
foreach (RenderingExtension extension in this.reportViewer.LocalReport.ListRenderingExtensions()) {
if (extension.Name == "PDF") {
((Extension)(extension.GetType().GetField("m_serverExtension", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(extension))).Visible = false;
I can't see how to make the report reference this code upon loading. Does anyone know how I am supposed to make the report execute this code?
EDIT: Incidentally report access is through the SSRS Report Manager web app. We are, in the main, delighted with this product so wouldn't consider reinventing the wheel in order to implement a hack to produce what is, essentially a "would be nice" feature.
It still boggles the mind slightly that the report's available rendering options are not controllable at the report level. Ho hum.