I can use this jQuery code to dynamically change the RSS link in the DOM in Firefox & Chrome. http://path.com/feed is normally replaced by a variable, but not for this example.
$('head').append('<link id="rssfeed" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="http://path.com/feed"/>');
The live bookmark feature immediately updates. However, this doesn't work in IE7. In IE7 I have tried this method, also created an in the html and tried updating with .setAttribute(href,'path.com/feed'), and tried creating a new DOM element and attaching it to "<_head>" (no _ in the actual code, of course).
The only "success" I have had was doing a document.write. The big problem with this is that I can't change it after the page has loaded.
Can anyone recommend an alternate way to change the link element href and have it dynamically reloaded by IE7? Alternatively, is there a way to force the browser to re-interpret or reload the DOM without doing a full page refresh?