



I have a custom xml file format which can contain blocks of code within certain tags.

For example:

    <Sql> select * from foo </Sql>
    <MoreJunk> ... </MoreJunk>
    def Bar(*args):
        return False

How can I get vim to use sql syntax highlighting for the text inside <Sql> tags and use python higlighting for text inside <Python> tags?

I know Vim can already do this because it correctly highlights javascript inside html files.

I tried inspecting the html syntax file but couldn't really figure it out.


This document describes how to write your own syntax highlighting. You should probably be able to figure out how the HTML-syntax highlighting works with javascript, with that as a reference.

Simon Jensen
+4  A: 

For your XML with python example you would have to do something like this:

runtime! syntax/xml.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syntax include @Python syntax/python.vim
syntax region pythonCode  start=+<Python>+ keepend end=+/</Python>+  contains=@Python

These lines will include the XML syntax and the python syntax, and the specify a python region where VIM will use the python syntax instead of the XML syntax...

Of course, all this is well documented in VIM. See :he :syn-include on how to include syntax files.
