My favorite is number 227, because there is a funny story about it. In our university network, there is one quad-core computer that everyone can use for high-performance computations. My friend was complaining that it had been kind of laggy lately. We saw that there was a process named "prob-227-e" running, which had used already three weeks(!) of CPU time.
I immediately guessed that it must be Project Euler problem. I took a look at the problem, and within 20 minutes I had written a ten-line Octave-script that just solves a 100x100-system of equations and runs in a blink of an eye (and produces the correct answer). I then emailed that to the user, and the next day, he answered to thank me and explain what he had been doing, which was some kind of brute-force simulation.
Elegance always pays off : )
The question
The players sit around a table; the game begins with two opposite players having one die each. On each turn, the two players with a die roll it.
If a player rolls a 1, he passes the die to his neighbour on the left; if he rolls a 6, he passes the die to his neighbour on the right; otherwise, he keeps the die for the next turn.
The game ends when one player has both dice after they have been rolled and passed, that player has then lost.
In a game with 100 players, what is the expected number of turns the game lasts?