Note: Let me appologize for the length of this question, i had to put a lot of information into it. I hope that doesn't cause too many people to simply skim it and make assumptions. Please read in its entirety. Thanks.
I have a stream of data coming in over a socket. This data is line oriented.
I am using the APM (Async Programming Method) of .NET (BeginRead, etc..). This precludes using stream based I/O because Async I/O is buffer based. It is possible to repackage the data and send it to a stream, such as a Memory stream, but there are issues there as well.
The problem is that my input stream (which i have no control over) doesn't give me any information on how long the stream is. It simply is a stream of newline lines looking like this:
...Unpredictable number of lines of data...\n
So, using APM, and since i don't know how long any given data set will be, it is likely that blocks of data will cross buffer boundaries requiring multiple reads, but those multiple reads will also span multiple blocks of data.
Byte buffer[1024] = ".................blah\nThis is another l"
[another read]
"ine\n.............................More Lines..."
My first thought was to use a StringBuilder and simply append the buffer lines to the SB. This works to some extent, but i found it difficult to extract blocks of data. I tried using a StringReader to read newlined data but there was no way to know whether you were getting a complete line or not, as StringReader returns a partial line at the end of the last block added, followed by returning null aftewards. There isn't a way to know if what was returned was a full newlined line of data.
// Note: no newline at the end
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("This is a line\nThis is incomp..");
StringReader sr = new StringReader(sb);
string s = sr.ReadLine(); // returns "This is a line"
s = sr.ReadLine(); // returns "This is incomp.."
What's worse, is that if I just keep appending to the data, the buffers get bigger and bigger, and since this could run for weeks or months at a time that's not a good solution.
My next thought was to remove blocks of data from the SB as I read them. This required writing my own ReadLine function, but then I'm stuck locking the data during reads and writes. Also, the larger blocks of data (which can consist of hundreds of reads and megabytes of data) require scanning the entire buffer looking for newlines. It's not efficient and pretty ugly.
I'm looking for something that has the simplicity of a StreamReader/Writer with the convenience of async I/O.
My next thought was to use a MemoryStream, and write the blocks of data to a memory stream then attach a StreamReader to the stream and use ReadLine, but again I have issues with knowing if a the last read in the buffer is a complete line or not, plus it's even harder to remove the "stale" data from the stream.
I also thought about using a thread with synchronous reads. This has the advantage that using a StreamReader, it will always return a full line from a ReadLine(), except in broken connection situations. However this has issues with canceling the connection, and certain kinds of network problems can result in hung blocking sockets for an extended period of time. I'm using async IO because i don't want to tie up a thread for the life of the program blocking on data receive.
The connection is long lasting. And data will continue to flow over time. During the intial connection, there is a large flow of data, and once that flow is done the socket remains open waiting for real-time updates. I don't know precisely when the initial flow has "finished", since the only way to know is that no more data is sent right away. This means i can't wait for the initial data load to finish before processing, I'm pretty much stuck processing "in real time" as it comes in.
So, can anyone suggest a good method to handle this situation in a way that isn't overly complicated? I really want this to be as simple and elegant as possible, but I keep coming up with more and more complicated solutions due to all the edge cases. I guess what I want is some kind of FIFO in which i can easily keep appending more data while at the same time poping data out of it that matches certain criteria (ie, newline terminated strings).