or do I just use jquery.ui.js?
It really depends on what you want to do. If you just need basic DOM manipulation, even handling, and things like that, then use jquery.js. If you need advanced UI components and functionality (dragging and dropping, sorting, etc.) then you'll probably need jquery.ui.js.
EDIT My mistake on misreading the question. Yes, you need jquery.js for jquery.ui.js
2009-02-08 07:46:56
This isn't helpful at all. If you were bothered by the question go on to the next one don't be rude.
2009-02-08 16:01:32
Questions that are posted that are easily answered by just reading the doco ruin the SO experience. The front page only has so many slots. These sorts of questions amount to spam scrolling worthwhile questions off into oblivion when they may very well be worthwhile.
2009-02-09 00:34:37