



Hi I am in the process of writing my first .net gui. I am wondering if there is some specific way I need to apply to my poco objects for them to be bindable to a usercontrol. I have a few objects but I seem to be unable to bind them to my usercontrol.

I read somewhere that they need to implement IBindable but I can't shake the feeling that someone already has eliminated all that duplicate code I would have to input into all my classes. Is there a way to easily bind these or would I have to use datasets or the like to be easily get this binding working. I have an extreme distaste for datasets to please present some other decent options ;-)

I am trying to bind to usercontrols from the devexpress toolkit.


With WPF you'll need INotifyPropertyChanged or Dependency Properties. Also look into INotifyCollectionChanged for collections.

David Schmitt

The BindingList can be used for binding to lists of generic objects.

+1  A: 

Which architecture?

For 1-way binding, you don't need anything other than public properties - and maybe some TypeConverter implementations for any bespoke data types (structs etc)

For full 2-way binding, you'll need an eventing implementation - any of:

  • a "public event EventHandler FooChanged" for every property "Foo"
  • an `INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
  • a bespoke component-model (don't go there - overkill)

For an example of a INotifyPropertyChanged implementation (note you might want to move some of the code for re-use) :

public class Foo : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private string bar;
    public string Bar
        get { return bar; }
        set { UpdateField(ref bar, value, "Bar"); }
    // other properties...

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null) PropertyChanged(this,
            new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
    protected bool UpdateField<T>(ref T field, T value,
        string propertyName)
        if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, value))
            field = value;
            return true;
        return false;

To bind sets of data (grids etc), the easiest thing is to use generics; basically, the minumum is IList - but you get extra metadata from a public T this[int index] indexer - which List<T>, Collection<T> etc all have. More - BindingList<T> implements IBindingList allowing collection-based notification events (but only to INotifyPropertyChanged - not to the FooChanged pattern).

Marc Gravell
I have properties that are of my custom objects as well which do not show up .. Person has property of Address which are both my poco objects. How do I bind Address ?
At the simplest? By overriding ToString() - but how are you showing it? Which control(s)?
Marc Gravell
Textbox, GridView etc.
For textbox, you should be able to use "Address.Line1" etc; for gridview you'll probably need a flattening (facade) object. If you want to edit the *entire* address in the textbox, you'll need a TypeConverter
Marc Gravell