



I am a web developer.Currently I have good technical skills in Java,Sql,Jsp/Servlet and Gwt.Now i am planning to learn some more new technologies in Web developement.

Can anyone give suggestion about new technologies in web developement to learn?

thank you.

+1  A: 

In the Microsoft world ASP.NET MVC is the new shiny technology. You wont find many enterprise apps being built with it though - yet. But I have high hopes for it. You should take a look at ASP.NET WebForms to fully understand the differences between it and MVC.

There's also alot of work being done with Ruby on Rails.

And apart from the technologies, you want to make sure you understand the methodologies that are floating around - TDD and DDD are worth understanding well.

Bramha Ghosh
That depends what you call "enterprise". Because right now, Stack Overflow runs in ASP.NET MVC.
Stack Overflow is not "enterprise", and MVC on the web isn't new.
MVC isn't new, but ASP.NET MVC is a new piece of technology. Seeing as it is new and not even RTM yet, of course you wont find many production applications in the wild. Why is this downranked so hard?
Stuart Branham
+1; SO may not be an enterprise nor MVC new to the web. But ASP.NET MVC and Ruby on Rails are new things that BlackPanther could look at!
Nahom Tijnam
+3  A: 

For multimedia rich web apps , Flex is worth a dekko.

+3  A: 

Give Silverlight a whirl.

Chris Ballance
+7  A: 

How about HTML, CSS and Javascript? Those seem like fairly relevant gaps in your resume there.

I have already learned these things as part of JSP/Servlets. Pretty hard to do any development with out learning thsese. Thanks anyway.
Are you sure? I've seen many a servlet with ineptly written html and javascript. Maybe you learned enough to get by, but have you mastered them?
yes.I have mastered them.
Then why on earth would you bother with GWT?
+1  A: 

PHP is for producing dynamic web pages.You can try that too..

Not that new really. Perhaps new to BlackPanther?
+3  A: 

Django is another web application framework (like Ruby on Rails) that is getting a lot of attention.

Of course, Django (like Rails) is a technology stack you could use instead of the Java/JSP technology you're already familiar with, rather than something to learn to use with Java/JSP.

+6  A: 

I don't see much client stuff on your list. Read up on progressive enhancement if you're not familiar with it and look into jQuery. It's extremely popular right now.

Stuart Branham
+2  A: 

The "cloud" stuff. Figure out how to run the services you would normally build on a hosted server using Amazon's AWS and EC2, how to handle automatic failover into the cloud as backup strategy, manage your resources up there to keep the bills low and the response time snappy, and so on.

+3  A: 

My recommendation would be Grails. It's a rapid web development framework based on Groovy, Hibernate, and Spring MVC. With a previous background in Java technology it should be relatively easy to pick up quickly. Its "coding by convention" paradigm is similar to Ruby on Rails, but being a Java developer I felt Grails was easier to pick up since it didn't require learning a new language (Groovy just adds some shortcuts and syntactic sugar to Java).

Edit: Another new technology that came to mind was JavaFX. Not as popular as Adobe Flex (yet) but just as worthy of a mention as Silverlight.

John Wagenleitner
+1.Thanks for good suggestion.Actually i was learning grails before two months.In the middle I stopped that because of work load.Thats why I did not mentioned in question. As u said easier to pick up is absolutely correct.So I restart learning grails.
+2  A: 

I just spent a day coding in C# and WPF, I've never been so amazed at how easy and slick it all is. If Silverlight is as similar to WPF as I've been told then learn Silverlight, its next on my list! I would also recommend JQuery.

+2  A: 

If you're doing Java web development, can't hurt to look into Spring.

Besides core Spring, you may also want to check out Spring Web Flow. It plays the part of the Controller in MVC, and breaks down application navigation into a state machine. This consists of reusable flow definitions containing states (action, view, decision, subflow, end) and the transitions between them. It knows the current state the user is executing, so the user can't short-circuit app navigation to an arbitrary state by entering a custom URL.

It also defines additional attribute scopes (conversation, flow, flash, view). This is useful because in a typical web app, the data used lasts longer than a request but shorter than the entire session. The developer usually has to manually insert and remove into and from session scope, which is essentially manual memory management. The new scopes cover more typical usage scenarios, and are cleaned up automatically at appropriate times (when a flow ends, flow scope is cleaned up. When a view-state is exited, view scope is cleaned up etc.).

SWF works with Spring MVC, JSF / Facelets, and Portlets.

+1  A: 

Try Smalltalk with Aida/Web or Seaside web frameworks, these can surely be regarded as new technologies comparing to most of mentioned so far.

Janko Mivšek
+1  A: 

Ajax is worth looking into I think - rich apps have been around for a bit but they are not going away anytime soon and are only moving forward.

+1  A: 

You could have a look at Scala, quite accessible coming from java but still different (as in 'functional') enough to give you some new views at coding - if you want to stay in the web-word check out the Lift framework.

Simon Groenewolt
+1  A: 

Try looking at different ways to speed up your client response times using tools like YSlow.

+3  A: 

You can try Grails with Flex as UI. (It is still in its incubation state though)