I'm creating a big string that ends up getting sent out via email. The string is created as follows:
For Each NewClaim As BO.ClaimsByPECLogIDRO In NewClaims
strNewClaims &= Environment.NewLine & NewClaim.ClaimPrefix.ToString _
& "-" & NewClaim.ClaimNumber.ToString & " - " & NewClaim.ReportDate.ToString & " - " & _
NewClaim.PolicyNumber.ToString & " - " & NewClaim.NoteText.ToString.Replace(vbCrLf, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ").Trim
The problem is when this gets send out I end up with an Outlook email that says:
"Extra line breaks in this message were removed." and some lines don't have a Newline in them. I can toggle the outlook message and it fixes the display, but I don't see how this code is create extra breaks in the first place.