+5  A: 

I've just compiled your package, in PL/SQL Developer it works fine.

The problem seems to be with the datatypes in your C# code.

From what I see in description, you don't bind any parameters. You should bind parameters somewhere in your code, like

OracleParameter bid = new OracleParameter("bookmarkID", OracleDbType.Number);
bid.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

If there are lots of abstractions you need to deal with, you may redefine you procedure as a function:

  res INTEGER;
  SELECT seq_bookmarks.nextval
  INTO res
  FROM dual;
  RETURN res;
END procGet_Bookmark_Id;

and call it in a SELECT query:

SELECT bookmarks.procGet_Bookmark_id FROM dual;

, which you seem to be able to do.

You are right, I'm not binding any parameters, I guess I didn't realize I needed to bind output paramaters in my C# code. Sorry about not posting .net commands, I was just hoping what I posted would be enough, the actual C# commands are behind a ton of abstraction that was written long before me.
+2  A: 

The error: "Wrong number or types of arguments in call to blah" refers to errors in the calling code, not the called code.

You should check the following:

  • The parameter you're passing is a NUMBER or a type that can be easily converted from a NUMBER.
  • The parameter you're passing is a variable, as opposed to a literal or constant.
See this is something I'm confused about. I'm not passing any parameters into the proc. Should I be? The query should just be asking for the seq.nextval, does creating it like procedure procGet_Bookmark_Id(bookmarkId out NUMBER); require a number to be passed?
@Carter: Yes. If you declare an OUT parameter, you need to pass a parameter from the calling code that will receive the value set by the procedure.
Dave Costa
+1  A: 

I believe you need to pass in the parameter in your .net code. The name you give the parameter needs to be identical in the .net code and the procedure definition.


Use a PL/SQL function instead of a procedure. You won't need to use a parameter at all.

Edit: Assuming you are using the Microsoft Provider you will need a return parameter. Here is the .net code.

// proc is the procedure name, oraConn is the oracle connection
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(proc, oraConn);
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

OracleParameter ret = new OracleParameter();
ret.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
ret.OracleType = OracleType.Number;
Daniel Emge