




I Have a Gridview . I wanted to display data from Webservice via Ajax calls in ASP.net Please ,let me know the solution for this. Thanks in Advance.

+1  A: 

I'm not too sure if I understood you correctly but there is no way to bind a Grid View with an AJAX call (yet). This is simply because you are dealing with the client side and a Grid View is just a HTML table. You will have to write your on custom method to handle your AJAX response and build a table on the fly....I've done this before and it works quite well...

If you really want to go down this path I recommend you seeing this jQuery plugin that enables table sorting and paging...it's pretty cool ...

+1  A: 

Can't you just create a method to call the web service and return your data object/dataset and then bind that to your grid and wrap the grid in an update panel, on the method end call myUDP.Update() to refresh the grid with the newly bound data.
