I am working on a game interpreter in javascript for sierra adventure games of the 80s. I ported bits of the existing reverse-engineered C interpreter called Sarien, which is GPL licensed. Making my work GPL too. So far so good.
However, my aim is creating a website where people can play these games online, with added multiplayer support. Multiplayer requires client+servercode, and the multiplayer part is proprietary closed (commercial) code. Does that have to be GPL too?
I know other people have asked GPL questions here, but it usually involves embedding, linking, etc, making things easier for me to understand. My setup is javascript-based. Can I distribute the core interpreter code as GPL and add a separate javascript layer that hooks into the IO part (to make multiplayer possible) and not GPL that part?
I am more than willing to contribute all my work as GPL, but parts of the multiplayer engine simply aren't mine to decide. If GPL forces me to make everything GPL then it forbids me of adding multiplayer, and thus stands in the way of making something cool :-(
The original interpreter code -GPL licensed- has since merged into ScummVM. The interpreter files now show in the header that GPL version 2 or higher applies as the end-user sees fit. Does this change anything? And as a sidenote; is that allowed to modify a license this way?