What's your favorite thing about vim?
I personally enjoy omnicompletion, cscope integration, and ctags all working together.
What's your favorite thing about vim?
I personally enjoy omnicompletion, cscope integration, and ctags all working together.
The bit that maximizes the window in Windows, "au GUIEnter * simalt ~x
" in my _vimrc file.
I enjoy the following things about vim:
Views, syntax highlighting, code folding.
Plugins: Minibufexplorer, NERD_Tree
macros, registers, syntax highlighting
Plugins : Latex-suite, taglist, matrix
I like my custom syntax highlighting which helps me remember syntax rules for languages I'm learning.
Taglist, the C/C++ IDE and the awesome bufferexplorer, with the bufferexplorer being the most awesome enhancement for me personally.
First off i coded using a tabbed aproach and switching to tabs with gt and gT. I was fairly content with that approach until i started using the bufferexplorer. It simply shows you a list of open buffers with \be (probably a mnemonic for buffer explore) and i enjoy that even more than the tabbed approach.