




I have a database containing stock price history. I want to select most recent prices for every stock that is listed. I know PostreSQL has a DISTINCT ON statement that would suit ideally here.

Table columns are name, closingPrice and date; name and date together form a unique index.

The easiest (and very uneffective) way is

SELECT * FROM stockPrices s
WHERE s.date =
(SELECT MAX(date) FROM stockPrices si WHERE si.name = s.name);

Much better approach I found is

SELECT * FROM stockPrices s JOIN
(SELECT name, MAX(date) AS date
FROM stockPrices si GROUP BY name) lastEntry
ON s.name = lastEntry.name AND s.date = lastEntry.date;

What would be an efficient way to do this? What indexes should I create?

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I fail at search.

I think that your second approach is very efficient. What's its problem?

You have to add indexes to name and date.

Vinko Vrsalovic
Well, you have to add an index if performance requires it. If it's ten stocks and a year's daily data, I wouldn't be concerned: MySQL is relatively good at table scanning.
Mike Woodhouse
If he had few data he wouldn't be asking for an efficient way to do this, no? Even the first, obvious approach would be enough.
Vinko Vrsalovic