Here are some (certainly there could be more) of the guiding principles for a new project I'm starting.
- Addressable URLs
- Very fast
- Mobile - cater to iPhones and other smart devices
- Use existing social networks
- Live
- Craigslist
- Etc.
- Use existing ID services
- Live ID
- Open ID
- Etc.
- Client and online management application
- Target many devices
- Powerful and flexible reporting
- Powerful and flexible filter criteria & search
- Self maintaining; doesn't require lots of administration
- Service based
- API so that others can tap into our services (at a cost)
- Easily to import and export data
I'm curious - given these principles, how would you go about determining the apporpriate technologies to use to build this project? .NET or PHP? SQL Server or mySQL? Silverlight or Flash? I definitely have my own personal preferences, but I don't want that to cloud my judgement. I'd like to use the right tools and technologies for the project.
Any thoughts and/or suggestions?