



I have looked at the Suggested related questions but none of them are what I am looking for. As a new developer I am trying hard to follow best practices and documentation is a big one. As I go I am trying to create XML docs in my code. I discovered the GhostDoc plug in which helps speed this up.

My question though is; Is there a commonly excepted standard as to what should be included in the XML. By default I am using <Summary><Param><Returns> when applicable. Are there others? Should I include author? How? <Patrick></Patrick>? Is <Remarks> worth the time?

I would be grateful for any guidance on this. Thank You!

+1  A: 

I definitely think the <remarks> tag is worth the time, as it allows you to elaborate on the summary, and more knowledge is always a good thing.

I also think that the <typeparamref> is important for generic classes.

Inside each of your elements, you should also make use of the <see> tag as well, so that you can link documentation together.

Outside of the standard tags, I add <author> to show the original author of the class/method/property/etc, etc as well as a <created> tag to indicate when the member was created. In a team environment, you will probably want something more robust, like so:

    <author>Nicholas Paldino</author>
@casperOne: I think I'd find all of that getting in the way. That's what source control's there for... it's much more likely to be consistent and accurate, and doesn't clutter the code.
Jon Skeet
+1  A: 

I only recently found this guide to XML documentation. It's really handy. It's not a best practice guide as such, but it's good at covering the tags which aren't used very often and thus get forgotten.

Jon Skeet
This link is dead.
Kevin Crowell
@Kevin: Yes, it's annoying - other than the Google cache, I don't know of any other sites with the same content :(
Jon Skeet
@Jon Thanks for trying :)
Kevin Crowell