Any suggestions on how one could go about setting up a build system that would compile one or two libraries against a couple of different platforms/targets.
The main project is in Visual Studio.
For example, I have a library:
It compiles on Windows and Linux with a few tweaks.
The executable that uses the library, win_nav.lib, only compiles on Windows at the moment with OpenGL.
I'm porting this code to the iPhone. Although I know I can't compile and link the entire library on windows I would like to try to compile the graphics code with OpenGL includes and OpenGLES includes. (Perhaps I can test out my opengles code on the windows machine as well?)
I plan to change my graphics file to include based on preprocessor flags:
#include <opengl/gl.h>
#include <opengles/gl.h>
So, how would you go about doing this?
Using a couple of different scripts or different projects in Visual Studio?