Does anyone know of good, well designed open sourced Django applications? I'm really curious about different designs and I'd like to look at some good examples in order to learn about good design in a real world example.
Does anyone know of good, well designed open sourced Django applications? I'm really curious about different designs and I'd like to look at some good examples in order to learn about good design in a real world example.
I strongly suggest the Django tutorial. It may not be real world in the context that you are thinking, but it definitely is excellent code to learn from.
I think you will find that many existing Django applications out there follow the same patterns and code structure as the tutorial.
You could take a look at the code behind the built in admin. It's nothing but Django.
I learned the concepts of Django from Django From the Ground Up video tutorial. It's really good, explains many things and shows you how to create a site that is up and running.
I don't know enough Python/Django to know if this is a good idea, but my plan was to look at Review Board.
IMO Pinax is a good example of django pluggables integration, plus their own code and apps, all bundled and cooked. You can get implementations in most of the different parts or concepts of Django.
Several open source Django projects are listed in the Django wiki. The list might not be up-to-date though, so expect to find pre-Django-1.0 code among the projects.
In case you find really good code to look at, it would be a good idea to contribute the links into that list. You'll be able to edit it once you've created an account on the site.
The code for the website is open source and it works on Django 1.0. It's also written by Django core developers.
Malcom Tredinnick (a Django developer) makes the source to his Django powered blog available here. I've picked up several good ideas from looking at the source.
I also recommend reading through James Bennett's open-source Django apps (django-registration, django-contact-form, django-profiles, etc). He is careful to keep his apps slim and focused (built for reuse), and the code is clean and well-commented.