MCPResult *theResult; MCPConnection *mySQLConnection;
//initialize connection string vars
NSString *dbURL = @"";
NSString *userName = @"";
NSString *pass = @"";
int port = 3306;
//open connection to database
mySQLConnection = [[MCPConnection alloc] initToHost: dbURL
if ([mySQLConnection isConnected])
NSLog(@"The connection to database was successfull");
NSLog(@"The connection to database was failed");
//selection to database
if([mySQLConnection selectDB:@"blackjack_DB"])
NSLog(@"Database found");
NSLog(@"Database not found");
//selection to Table
theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:@"select * from test"];
//theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:@"select * from test where id='1'"];
//theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:@"select id from test"];
//theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:@"select name from test where pass='main_pass'"];
NSArray *m= [theResult fetchRowAsArray];
NSLog(@"%@", m);
NSLog(@"%@", [m objectAtIndex:2]);
Use this code for connecting & receive information from remotedatabase. And also use some framework. AppKit.framework, Cocoa.framework, Carbon.framework, MCPKit_bundled.framework. But stile i didn't connect my application with remort database.