I'm looking for research papers or studies made on Unit Testing and TDD effectiveness.
Points of interest:
- Does TDD reduce Development time?
- Does overall development cost reduced as well?
- Is the result product more stable?
I'm looking for research papers or studies made on Unit Testing and TDD effectiveness.
Points of interest:
StudiesOfTestDrivenDevelopment has a summary and more links.
Take a look at papers by Nancy Van Schooenderwoert (et al) at www.agilerules.com. In particular "Embedded Agile Project by the Numbers With Newbies"
http://www.slideshare.net/ZendCon/test-driven-development-presentation has a nice presentation explaining TDD though it is geared to Zend and PHP.
http://biblio.gdinwiddie.com/biblio/StudiesOfTestDrivenDevelopment has a number of relevant links
An article on infoQ: Empirical Studies Show Test Driven Development Improves Quality.
And a link to the Realizing quality improvement through TDD study.
"TDD seems to be applicable in various domains and can significantly reduce the defect density of developed software without significant productivity reduction of the development team." The study compared 4 projects, at Microsoft and IBM that used TDD with similar projects that did not use TDD.