It's already been answered, but I'd have to go strongly against the accepted answerer's response to say that I absolutely and wholeheartedly disagree: I'm a dyed-in-the-wool .NET guy, myself, and I can tell you that while it's true ColdFusion is strange by comparison, and it's lacking in a lot of technically specific (if not necessarily significant) ways, it's also an incredibly productive framework for building powerful Web applications, and anyone who disparages it simply out of hand probably hasn't spent enough time with it to recognize and appreciate its virtues.
It all depends on what you're looking to do. If you're a one-person operation, and you want to get up and running quickly, Coldfusion is a perfectly respectable choice -- I even use it myself sometimes. Indeed I've worked with every technology you listed, having started from scratch every time, and I can tell you that CF has always given me an excellent (probably even the best) practical return on my time investment. If I want a quick-and-easy Web service, I hack together a CFC, five lines of code, save, deploy, and I'm done. Database connectivity is ridiculously simple, and again, very little code. The truth of the matter is that a great majority of Web applications out there today could be served with ColdFusion entirely without issue. It's an excellent product, plain and simple.
But like all choices, it does have its drawbacks. For one thing, the time you'll spend learning ColdFusion won't be as repurposable as, say, the time you might spend learning a more standard object-oriented language like C#, Java or even C++ for that matter; CF is its own ecosystem, its constructs so abstracted that it's difficult to learn much beyond the details of the abstractions themselves. (Whereas by comparison, spending time with the .NET and Java libraries teaches you not only about the libraries specifically, but also more broadly about object-oriented design patterns and principles at the same time.) In my case, when I came to CF, I'd already spent years working with both .NET and Java, so it was fun -- I understood what it was for, and while I'd have appreciated some strong typing and a more full-featured IDE (indeed there still isn't one, other than CFEclipse and Dreamweaver, although I've seen what's coming soon from Adobe, and it's nice), it was perfectly fine for the project at hand. But there's nothing like CF, that's for sure, so do keep that in mind.
Another problem is that if you're evaluating CF as an option for a project that's likely to require a group effort either immediately or somewhere down the road, understand also that finding CF developers -- good ones, anyway -- is no easy task. At last year's Adobe MAX conference, a major gripe I kept hearing from attendees and exhibitors was how hard it is to find even competent CF developers. There just aren't that many of them out there, and because of the mindshare .NET, Java, etc. get by comparison, the situation isn't improving. (Which is obviously great for CF developers, but maybe not so great for CF employers.) So if you'll have to build a team, or hand off a project to a client, keep that in mind as well.
But on the whole, yes, it's a totally respectable choice. The copy I have I purchased myself (yes, I shelled out that dreaded $1,200), because two of my clients happen to use it -- and I enjoy being able to turn to it when I have to. My money is indeed where my mouth is. :)
Good luck to ya.
(Oh, and you asked about books -- I still haven't found any better ones than those written by Mr. Forta himself. Well worth the investment for sure.)