



I've only dealt with one-to-one relationships in php so far, but I'm stuck on a problem which involves a one-to-many relationship. I've been sitting on this for a few days with no luck, so I'm desperate for someone to step in and show me a solution before I lose my mind.

In my database have a series of urls, which are received by a SELECT query along with various other fields, from different tables. Every url has at least one category associated with it, but can have multiple categories. So in my results I might see something that looks a bit like this:

link_id = 3   url= ''   category = 'uncategorised'
link_id = 4   url= ''   category = 'travel'
link_id = 4   url= ''   category = 'fun'
link_id = 4   url= ''   category = 'misc'
link_id = 3   url= ''   category = 'uncategorised'

I have got this to work, kind of. When I loop through and print them off, using a while loop and mysql fetch array, the result looks exactly like it does above. Thats great, except what I need is for it to read something like:

link_id = 4   url = ''   category = 'travel fun misc'

So that basically all of the categories for each url get combined somehow, as they are printed out. My first attempt led me to try a nested while loop, but it didn't work and i'm not sure if this is feasible. Apart from that I'm wondering if I might need a multidimensional array (complete guess, i've never had to use one before).

I'm ordering these results by link id as above, so I know if the link id in the current loop iteration, matches the one in the last iteration - then I have something which has more than one category.. I think I'm really close, but I just can't figure it out.

Any ideas?


You should be using a connection table.

1st you have a table of links

id = 1 url = something
id = 2 url = something else

Then you have a table of categories

id = 1 category = something
id = 2 category = something else

Then you have a connection table

url_id = 1 category_id = 1
url_id = 1 category_id = 2
url_id = 2 category_id = 1

This should atleast get you started.

Ólafur Waage
ahh sorry, I should have made it a bit more clear. If I understand correctly, I do have a set up like this. A table called categories, just being a repository of all the categories that exist, then a table that just contains urls, then a table with url_id's and cat_id's to join them together.
No problem :) I'll keep the answer until you update the question if you want to do that.
Ólafur Waage

use an array keyed on the id and url iterate through the values and add to it as follows:

$link_categories[ $id ] .= $category." ";

$result = mysql_query("SElECT * FROM LINKS");

$link_categories = array();

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC))
    if (!isset($link_categories[$row['link']]))
        $link_categories[$row['link']] = " ";
        $link_categories[$row['link']] .= " ";

    $link_categories[$row['link']] .= $row['category'];


Results in:

    [] =>  test evaluate performance
    [] =>  classify reduce
    [] =>  allocate

This isn't the 'right' way of doing this - really the relationships should be defined in a seperate table with a 1-many relationship.

Richard Harrison

you need to use a control break algorithm.

set last_link variable to null
set combined_category to null
exec query

loop over result set {
    if last_link == null {
    if fetch_link==last_link {
        set combined_category+=ltrim(' '.fetch_category)
    } else {
        display html for last_link and combined_category
        set last_link=fetch_link
        set combined_category=fetch_category

display html for last_link and combined_category

I used "display html" as a generic "work" event, you could push this out to a array structure, etc. instead...

+1  A: 

There is also the "GROUP_CONCAT" function in mysql. That should do exactly what you want to achieve.

Something like :

SELECT url, GROUP_CONCAT(category) AS categories FROM yourtable GROUP BY url
This worked perfectly when I ran the query, and again when I plugged it into my php script. I wasn't aware of that function, but it was exactly what I was after. Thanks!