



I'm writing an mvc app and I've get a list of service calls that I display in a table. When the user clicks the table header I want to tell my controller to sort the list by that column.

public ActionResult Index(int? page, string sortBy, string sortDirection)
        int pageIndex = page == null ? 0 : (int)page - 1;

        IServiceCallService scService = new ServiceCallService();
        IPagedList<ServiceCall> serviceCalls = scService.GetOpenServiceCalls("").ToPagedList(pageIndex, 2);

        return View("List", serviceCalls);

How do I incorporate the sortBy and sortDirection. I think I could do something like:

IPagedList<ServiceCall> serviceCalls = sc.Service.GetOpenServiceCalls("").OrderBy(sortBy).ToPagedList(pageIndex, 2);

But that doesn't work because I assume OrderBy wants a lambda like p => p.CreateDate but not sure how to do this.

I know ways I could do it but they are ugly and I'm sure C# has something simple here that I'm just missing.



When sorting a generic list, you can provide the way to compare for sorting with an overload of List<T>.Sort():

public void Sort(
    Comparison<T> comparison

Here is the example from MSDN. The Comparison<T> comparison is a delegate that provides the method for comparing objects when sorting.

I may be wrong, but I believe if your list includes only items of the same type and that type implements IComparable, the delegate may not be necessary.

Dave Swersky
+4  A: 

Don't forget about the handy-dandy DataBinder:

var serviceCalls = sc.Service.GetOpenServiceCalls("").OrderBy(call => DataBinder.Eval(call, sortBy));
return serviceCalls.ToPagedList(pageIndex, 2);

DataBinder.Eval from Msdn docs

Uses reflection to parse and evaluate a data-binding expression again an object at run time.


You could also use leverage jQuery and use something like Table Sorter if you're just looking to sort the list. It'd also be real time and all ajax-y.
