




I'd like to delve deeper into the 802.11 wireless standard and its protocols, but I don't want to wade through the lawyer-speak of the actual standard document. Can you recommend any resource I can use to learn from? An online resource would be best, but a book could work too.

+2  A: 

I can highly recommend the "Bat book" by O'Reilly: 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide

It goes into great detail but remains readable.

I haven't had a chance to look at the second edition but I guess it only improved.

The 2nd edition is much more readable with updated information on the standard. Highly recommended.
Misha M
You are absolutely right. I have updated the link. Thank you for the pointer

I had to write a paper on the internals of 802.11 back when I was in University. I ended up getting most of my material from one of my old course textbooks: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet. I also found out that learning how 802.11 really works requires a decent understanding of physics related topics like signal processing, and radio transmissions.

Matthew Ruston