




whats the difference between them when it comes to css, will it hurt me if i've only been using div id?

i see different developers doing them both ways, and since im self taught, ive never really figured it out


+2  A: 

An id must be unique in the whole page.

A class may apply to many elements.

Sometimes, it's a good idea to use ids.

In a page, you usually have one footer, one header...

Then the footer may be into a div with an id

<div id="footer" class="...">

and still have a class

Luc M
+1  A: 

IDs are unique. Classes aren't. Elements can also have multiple classes. Also classes can be dynamically added and removed to an element.

Anywhere you can use an ID you could use a class instead. The reverse is not true.

The convention seems to be to use IDs for page elements that are on every page (like "navbar" or "menu") and classes for everything else but this is only convention and you'll find wide variance in usage.

One other difference is that for form input elements, the <label> element references a field by ID so you need to use IDs if you're going to use <label>. is an accessibility thing and you really should use it.

In years gone by IDs were also preferred because they're easily accessible in Javascript (getElementById). With the advent of jQuery and other Javascript frameworks this is pretty much a non-issue now.


Class is for apply your style to a group of elements. Id styles apply to just the element with that id (there should only be one). Usually you use classes, but if there's a one-off you can use Ids (or just stick the style straight into the element).

Adam A

Any element can have a class or an id.

A class is used to reference a certain type of display, for example you may have a css class for a div that represents the answer to this question. As there will be many answers, multiple divs would need the same styling and you would use a class.

An id refers to only a single element, for example the related section at the right may have styling specific to it not reused elsewhere, it would use an id.

Technically you can use classes for all of it, or split them up logically. You can not, however, reuse id's for multiple elements.

+2  A: 

A CLASS should be used for multiple elements that you want the same styling for. An ID should be for a unique element. See this tutorial.

You should refer to the W3C standards if you want to be a strict conformist, or if you want your pages to be validated to the standards.

+29  A: 

ids must be unique where as class can be applied to many things. In CSS, ids look like #elementID and class elements look like .someClass

In general, use id whenever you want to refer to a specific element and class when you have a number of things that are all alike. For instance, common id elements are things like header, footer, sidebar. Common class elements are things like highlight or external-link.

It's a good idea to read up on the cascade and understand the precedence assigned to various selectors: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html

The most basic precedence you should understand, however, is that id selectors take precedence over class selectors. If you had this:

<p id="intro" class="foo">Hello!</p>


#intro { color: red }
.foo { color: blue }

The text would be red because the id selector takes precedence over the class selector.

Man, I didn't know that selecting "community wiki" would mean that I didn't get credit for the upvotes! Ah, such are the vicissitudes of Stack Overflow. :)
Don't worry, it's a thing we all try once before finding out what it actually does.
Pim Jager
The reason, for those who care, that #intro has precedence is because of something called specificity: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#specificity
+1  A: 

Classes are like categories. Many HTML elements can belong to a class, and an HTML element can have more than one class. Classes are used to apply general styles or styles that can be applied across multiple HTML elements.

IDs are identifiers. They're unique; no one else is allowed to have that same ID. IDs are used to apply unique styles to an HTML element.

I use IDs and classes in this fashion:

<div id="header">
  <h1>I am a header!</h1>
  <p>I am subtext for a header!</p>
<div id="content">
  <div class="section">
    <p>I am a section!</p>
  <div class="section special">
    <p>I am a section!</p>
  <div class="section">
    <p>I am a section!</p>

In this example, the header and content sections can be styled via #header and #content. Each section of the content can be applied a common style through #content .section. Just for kicks, I added a "special" class for the middle section. Suppose you wanted a particular section to have a special styling. This can be achieved with the .special class, yet the section still inherits the common styles from #content .section.

When I do JavaScript or CSS development, I typically use IDs to access/manipulate a very specific HTML element, and I use classes to access/apply styles to a broad range of elements.

+1  A: 

CSS is object orientated - ID says instance, class says class!

+8  A: 

Think of University.

<student id="JonathanSampson" class="Biology" />
<student id="MarySmith" class="Biology" />

Student ID cards are distinct. No two students on campus will have the same student ID card. However, many students can and will share at least one Class with each other.

It's okay to put multiple students under one Class title, Biology 101. But it's never acceptable to put multiple students under one student ID.

When giving Rules over the school intercom system, you can give Rules to a Class:

"Would the Biology class please wear Red Shirts tomorrow?"

.BiologyClass {

Or you can give rules to a Specific Student, by calling his unique ID:

"Would Jonathan Sampson please wear a Green Shirt tomorrow?"

#JonathanSampson {
Jonathan Sampson
Thats a great analogy!
+2  A: 

Where to use an ID versus a class

The simple difference between the two is that while a class can be used repeatedly on a page, an ID must only be used once per page. Therefore, it is appropriate to use an ID on the div element that is marking up the main content on the page, as there will only be one main content section. In contrast, you must use a class to set up alternating row colors on a table, as they are by definition going to be used more than once.

IDs are an incredibly powerful tool. An element with an ID can be the target of a piece of JavaScript that manipulates the element or its contents in some way. The ID attribute can be used as the target of an internal link, replacing anchor tags with name attributes. Finally, if you make your IDs clear and logical, they can serve as a sort of “self documentation” within the document. For example, you do not necessarily need to add a comment before a block stating that a block of code will contain the main content if the opening tag of the block has an ID of, say, "main", "header", "footer", etc.

Koistya Navin

Use only classes, never use IDs unless runtime performance is much more important than code organization

The link you are giving is not saying that at all, both id and class have their use in CSS.