



I've looped over the Request.ServerVariables collection in ASP.NET, but it's not as comprehensive as phpinfo().

Anyone aware of a script for ASP.NET that includes all that info, including server software, drivers, etc.?


Quick google result:

According to them, the answer is no.


The following might work?

foreach (string Key in Request.ServerVariables.AllKeys) 
   Response.Write(Key + ": " + Request.ServerVariables[Key] + "<br>");

I'm not sure what info phpinfo() spits out.

Spencer Ruport
+5  A: 

How about using the ASP.Net tracing subsystem? It allows you to get:

Control Tree: Control tree presents an HTML representation of the ASP.NET Control Tree. Shows each control's ID, run time type, the number of bytes it took to be rendered, and the bytes it requires in View State and Control State.

Session State: Lists all the keys for a particular user's session, their types and their values.

Application State: Lists all the keys in the current application's Application object and their type and values.

Request Cookies: Lists all the cookies passed in during the page is requested.

Response Cookies: Lists all the cookies that were passed back during the page's response.

Headers Collection: Shows all the headers that might be passed in during the request from the browser, including Accept-Encoding, indicating whether the browser supports the compressed HTTP responses and Accept languages.

Form Collection: Displays a complete dump of the Form Collection and all its keys and values.

QueryString Collection: Displays a dump of the Querystring collection and all its contained keys and values.

Server Variables: A complete dump of name-value pairs of everything that the web server knows about the application.

See here.

Chris KL
+1  A: 

An empty page with this header should do the trick:

<%@ Page Trace="true" Language="C#" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="utf-8" %>
