





I want to convert a link to a definite text by using regular expression.While binding datagrid,i have a function which convert (look: the text) to link.My Function is here.

Private Function Convertlook(ByVal str As String) As String

        Dim look As String
        Dim pattern As String = "\(look: ([a-z0-9$&.öışçğü\s]+)\)"
        Dim regex As New Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
        Dim htmlanc As New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor()
        Dim postbackRef As String = Page.GetPostBackEventReference(htmlanc, "$1")
        htmlanc.HRef = postbackRef
       str = regex.Replace(str, "(look: <a href=""javascript:" & htmlanc.HRef & """><font color=""#CC0000"">$1</font></a> )")      
        look = str
        Return look 

end function

The problem is that i want to edit the text,how can i reverse it to (look: the text)?Should i use again regular expression and what can be right regular expression of it?

+1  A: 

Looks like the regex can be reduced to 'anything between the angle brackets'

Dim regex As New Regex(".*>(.*)</font.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
str = regex.Replace(str, "(look: $1)")
Thanks to everybody.Soulmerge's solution worked.

Wouldn't it be easier to keep both the converted and the unconverted version of the text (ie. in the ViewState or ControlState)? That would save you a lot of trouble. What would happen if your original text contains a string like '<font'?

I suggest: don't go there, not worth the effort. Keep track of the source.

Teun D
believe me,it is better to use regular expression in this scenerio :)

I changed your code in C#, here is what you want :

string str = "(look: trialText)";
string look = string.Empty;
string pattern = @"\(look: ([a-z0-9$&.öışçğü\s]+)\)";
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor htmlanc = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor();
string postbackRef = Page.GetPostBackEventReference(htmlanc, "$1");
htmlanc.HRef = postbackRef;

// Here I capture the text inside the anchor :
Match matchedText = regex.Match(str);
string textInsideLink = regex.Replace(matchedText.Value, "$1"); // textInsideLink = "trialText"

str = regex.Replace(str, "(look: <a href=\"javascript:" + htmlanc.HRef + "\"><font color=\"#CC0000\">$1</font></a> )");

// I replace captured text with another text :
str = Regex.Replace(str, "(" + textInsideLink + ")", "anotherTextInsideLink"); 
// str = "(look: <a href=\"javascript:__doPostBack('','anotherTextInsideLink')\"><font color=\"#CC0000\">anotherTextInsideLink</font></a> )"