





I am using the datetime module. I am looking to calculate the date 6 months from the current date. Could someone give me a little help doing this?

Edit: The reason I am wanting to generate a date 6 months from the current date is to produce a Review Date. If the user enters data into the system it will have a review date of 6 months from the date they entered the data. Does this help?



+3  A: 

Use the python datetime module to add a timedelta of six months to datetime.today() .


You will of course have to solve the issue raised by Johannes Weiß-- what do you mean by 6 months?

Devin Jeanpierre
timedelta doesn't support months and so sidesteps the possible answers to the question "how many days in 6-month?"Eef's code will set a review date so I would suggest one could consider setting the timedelta using days (6*30).If the period represents clients' access to a product/service then a business definition may be required/preferred.
+3  A: 

What do you mean by '6 months'. Is 2009-02-13 + 6 months == 2009-08-13 or is it 2009-02-13 + 6*30 days?

import mx.DateTime as dt

#6 Months
#result is '2009-08-13 16:28:00.84'

#6*30 days
#result is '2009-08-12 16:30:03.35'

More info about mx.DateTime

Johannes Weiß
+5  A: 

Just use the timetuple method to extract the months, add your months and build a new dateobject. If there is a already existing method for this I do not know it.

import datetime

def in_the_future(months=1):
    year, month, day = datetime.date.today().timetuple()[:3]
    new_month = month + months
    return datetime.date(year + (new_month / 12), new_month % 12, day)

The API is a bit clumsy, but works as an example. Will also obviously not work on corner-cases like 2008-01-31 + 1 month. :)

+5  A: 

Dateutil package has implementation of such functionality. But be aware, that this will be naive, as others pointed already.

dateutil is awesome. It can be installed with easy_install too.
Excellent. Thanks for suggesting that. That seems to be a god-sent.
+3  A: 

There's no direct way to do it with Python's datetime.

Check out the relativedelta type at python-dateutil. It allows you to specify a time delta in months.

Akbar ibrahim
+12  A: 

Well, that depends what you mean by 6 months from the current date.

1) natural months,

   (day,month,year) = (day,(month+6)%12,year+(month+6)/12)

2) bankers definition, 6*30

   date += datetime.timedelta(6*30)
Could you throw in the half-year definition (183 days) plus the 26 weeks definition, too? It helps to have them all in one place.
just a quick remark: I think, for month, the formula would be instead (month + 5) % 12 + 1 b/c for june, your formula gives 0 whereas the expected result is 12... despite this little error, to my mind, your answer is the one that best answers the question
and same for year: it should be year + (month + 5)/12
+4  A: 
import datetime
print (datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(6*365/12)).isoformat()
+1  A: 

The QDate class of PyQt4 has an addmonths function.

>>>from PyQt4.QtCore import QDate  
>>>dt = QDate(2009,12,31)  
>>>required = dt.addMonths(6) 

PyQt4.QtCore.QDate(2010, 6, 30)

datetime.date(2010, 6, 30)

Modified Johannes Wei's answer in the case new_month = 12. This works perfectly for me. The months could be positive or negative.

def addMonth(d,months=1): year, month, day = d.timetuple()[:3] new_month = month + months return datetime.date(year + ((new_month-1) / 12), (new_month-1) % 12 +1, day)

Xinhui Tang

Xinhui Tang
It DOESN'T "work perfectly" when the day in the start date is greater than the number of days in the target month. Example: 2001-01-31 plus one month tries to create a date 2001-02-31.
John Machin

This is what I came up with. It moves the correct number of months and years but ignores days (which was what I needed in my situation).

import datetime

month_dt = 4
today = datetime.date.today()
y,m = today.year, today.month
m += month_dt-1
year_dt = m//12
new_month = m%12
new_date = datetime.date(y+year_dt, new_month+1, 1)

I use this function to change year and month but keep day:

def replace_month_year(date1, year2, month2):
        date2 = date1.replace(month = month2, year = year2)
        date2 = datetime.date(year2, month2 + 1, 1) - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    return date2

You should write:

new_year = my_date.year + (my_date.month + 6) / 12
new_month = (my_date.month + 6) % 12
new_date = replace_month_year(my_date, new_year, new_month)

So, here is an example of the dateutil.relativedelta which I found useful for iterating through the past year, skipping a month each time to the present date:

>>> import datetime
>>> from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
>>> today = datetime.datetime.today()
>>> month_count = 0
>>> while month_count < 12:
...  day = today - relativedelta(months=month_count)
...  print day
...  month_count += 1
2010-07-07 10:51:45.187968
2010-06-07 10:51:45.187968
2010-05-07 10:51:45.187968
2010-04-07 10:51:45.187968
2010-03-07 10:51:45.187968
2010-02-07 10:51:45.187968
2010-01-07 10:51:45.187968
2009-12-07 10:51:45.187968
2009-11-07 10:51:45.187968
2009-10-07 10:51:45.187968
2009-09-07 10:51:45.187968
2009-08-07 10:51:45.187968

As with the other answers, you have to figure out what you actually mean by "6 months from now." If you mean "today's day of the month in the month six years in the future" then this would do:

datetime.datetime.now() + relativedelta(months=6)

This solution works correctly for December, which most of the answers on this page do not. You need to first shift the months from base 1 (ie Jan = 1) to base 0 (ie Jan = 0) before using modulus ( % ) or integer division ( // ), otherwise November (11) plus 1 month gives you 12, which when finding the remainder ( 12 % 12 ) gives 0.

(And dont suggest "(month % 12) + 1" or Oct + 1 = december!)

def AddMonths(d,x):
    newmonth = ((( d.month - 1) + x ) % 12 ) + 1
    newyear  = d.year + ((( d.month - 1) + x ) // 12 ) 
    return datetime.date( newyear, newmonth, d.day)

However ... This doesnt account for problem like Jan 31 + one month. So we go back to the OP - what do you mean by adding a month? One soln is to backtrack until you get to a valid day, given that most people would presume the last day of jan, plus one month, equals the last day of Feb. This will work on negative numbers of months too. Proof:

>>> import datetime
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),1)
datetime.date(2010, 9, 25)
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),4)
datetime.date(2010, 12, 25)
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),5)
datetime.date(2011, 1, 25)
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),13)
datetime.date(2011, 9, 25)
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),24)
datetime.date(2012, 8, 25)
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),-1)
datetime.date(2010, 7, 25)
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),0)
datetime.date(2010, 8, 25)
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),-12)
datetime.date(2009, 8, 25)
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),-8)
datetime.date(2009, 12, 25)
>>> AddMonths(datetime.datetime(2010,8,25),-7)
datetime.date(2010, 1, 25)>>>