Thanks for reading this.
I imagine this is really a javascript question, and my title probably does not get at the heart of what I am trying to do, but I want to store the result of my ajax request in a global variable. This would allow me to test the var before making the ajax call...and avoid repeated ajax calls for the same data. I need to be able to pass the variable name from the click event down through the populateSelect function into the ajaxCall function.
It seems like I could pass a function as a parameter, but I have not been able to make that work.
I like to include working examples in my questions, but in this case the latency in the call to the server is part of the problem.
$('#getSelectOptions').bind("click", function() {
function populateSelect(whatWasClicked) {
var thisSelect = $(whatWasClicked).parents("div").find("select") ;
var before = function() { $(loading).show() ; } ;
var complete = function() { $(loading).hide() ; } ;
var data = {'_service' : 'myService', '_program' : 'myProgram' } ;
var error = function(){alert("Error"); } ;
var success = function(request) { $(thisSelect).html(request) ; };
var waitTime = 20000 ;
ajaxCall(thisSelect, waitTime, before, complete, data, success, error ) ;
function ajaxCall(elementToPopulate, waitTime, whatToDoBeforeAjaxSend,
whatToDoAfterAjaxSend, dataToSendToTheServer,
whatToDoAfterSuccess, whatToDoAfterError) {
type: "post",
url: "http://myURL/cgi-bin/broker",
dataType: "text",
data: dataToSendToTheServer,
timeout: waitTime,
beforeSend: whatToDoBeforeAjaxSend,
error: whatToDoAfterError(request),
success: whatToDoAfterSuccess(request)
EDIT Further education in how to write a good question... I should have mentioned that I call populateSelect to populate multiple I need way to reference the results for each select