



Transferring data from one SQL server to another but when Schema is compared and syncronised the following error is received. We are using redgate SQL compare to complete.

Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation

Base SQL server is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and the destination server is Latin1_General_CI_AS

+1  A: 

SQL Compare has an option to ignore collations. Look under the tab "options" in your compare project configuration.

but that simply 'ignores' the collation as something to compare. Doesn't generate code that 'ignores' the collation for synchronizing.
Kev Riley


Sounds like the collation settings for the server are different.

How are you transferring the data, do you perform a database restore on your new platform?

Either way, you need to ensure that the same collation is used on your new environment as is currently in place in your source environment.

Hope this makes sense, let me know if you need further assistance.

Cheers, John

John Sansom

is you problem with the SQL Compare utlity, or a worry that different server collations will lead to problems?

You could change the collation of the destination server to match the Base server

If that is not possible, then make the Collation of the databases on each server match, and then your only real problem is likely to be any temporary tables which you create (they will have a default collation matching the server / TEMPDB), and so long as you explicitly create the temporary table (i.e. don't create it using SELECT * INTO #TEMP FROM MyTable) and explicitly assign a collation to any varchar/text columns you should be OK


I have solved it like here
