



Hi ,

I'm trying to work out how to validate a user in my application but i don't know how. I wish create a form with Username and Password to enter in the application(WPF) using Linq toSql to store and validate Username and password in the database but i don't know so much about Linq to Sql so i keep in stuck now. I have a database with this fields"UserID,UserTypeID,Name,Surname,Username,Password,Email" and here there is the code that i use :

public Window1()


    public bool ValidateApplicationUser(string userName, string password)
        bool validUser = false;
         //   var conn = "Data Source=MAMMA-PC/SQLMAMMA;Initial Catalog=MyWebSite;Integrated Security=True";
            DataClasses1DataContext dc = new DataClasses1DataContext();
            Table<User> users = dc.GetTable<User>();

            var query = from c in dc.Users
                        where (c.Username == userName.ToLower() && c.Password == password.ToLower())
                        select c;

            validUser = (query != null);

        catch (Exception ex)
            if (ex != null)

        return validUser;

    private void mahhh(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

        bool authenticated = true;
     //   var conn = "Data Source=MAMMA-PC/SQLMAMMA;Initial Catalog=MyWebSite;Integrated Security=True";
            DataClasses1DataContext dc = new DataClasses1DataContext();
            Table<User> users = dc.GetTable<User>();

            var query = from c in dc.Users
                        where (c.Username == usernameTextBox.Text.ToString() && c.Password == passwordTextBox.Text.ToString())
                        select c;

      /*      foreach (User user in query)
                user.Username = usernameTextBox.Text.Trim();
                user.Password = passwordTextBox.Text.Trim();
            } */

            if (usernameTextBox.Text !="" && passwordTextBox.Text != "")
                authenticated = ValidateApplicationUser(usernameTextBox.Text , passwordTextBox.Text);

        if (!authenticated)
            MessageBox.Show("Invalid login. Try again.");
            MessageBox.Show("Congradulations! You're a valid user!");

    //        Window2 c = new Window2();
    //        c.ShowDialog();


When i insert the password and username the form validate also wrong username and password so i receive always the message "Congradulations! You're a valid user!"!!!

DO you have any advice where i wrong?


validUser = (query.Count() == 0);
... shortest accepted answer (with code) bait ...
Instead of this you can use the faster: validUser = !query.Any();
Drew Noakes
Well played, sir.
+1  A: 

Firstly its a best practice to Hash Passwords(one way encryption) with a Salt (random string you tag on the end of your password), I know it sounds complex but it isn't.

It isn't a good practice to wrap everything around with try, unless you are

The Linq Code Would Be

public bool ValidateApplicationUser(string userName, string password)
    //Get Database Context
    var AuthContext = new DataClasses1DataContext();

    //We Are Only Going To Select UserId, Notice The Password .ToLower Is Removed (for security)
    var query = from c in AuthContext.Users
                where (c.Username == userName.ToLower() && c.Password == password)
                select c;

    if (query.Count() != 0) {
       return true;

    return false;

Salt Could Be Done Using Database Or C#

Elijah Glover
Hi ELijah ,that's all right ,i can authenticate with so well now...Thanks so much.let me ask you about HashPassword with a Salt do you have some example about that???Have a lucky day.Bye