It really bothers me when people say .NET is a platform of choice because 'its scalable', its no more or less scalable than any other platform: PHP, ColdFusion, JSP or native compiled apps with C++/Delphi etc... Scalability isn't a feature of the framework, it's a feature of the application design.
MySpace is certainly no advocate for scalability, instead look at the technology behind Google search, or the SETI@home project.
.NET is actually my least favorite platform to work with because its gone too far in trying to simplify software, so much so that there are things that I want to do that it can't, and so trying to overcome .NET limitations wastes time where it would have been easily and quickly achieved with C++ or PHP. .NET is to software development what duplo bricks are to mechanical engineering - no self respecting mechanical engineer would want to be constrained to using only inch wide square blocks.
If an application needs to be scalable you need to think about what data needs to be shared between servers, and what is the minimum data required for the application to run and serve its purpose. The need to scale an application can often be avoided by having super-efficient code in the first place (eg. not .NET or Java), but this generally requires a basic understanding of assembly at least and how your chosen language is translated to machine code.