We just purchased a webcam to visually monitor some equipment remotely. Currently we are monitoring thorough the intranet only. The software that came with the webcam is installed on the computer that is physically connected to the webcam. From anywhere on the intranet, I can type that computer's address in the browser, for ex.,, and I get a browser page that shows the live video plus ways to pan and zoom the webcam. But there is no web server installed in the web-cam computer! It is running Windows XP and I wondered if IIS could be running and it is not.
My question is what technology could they be using to serve up http pages without IIS? Could they be using a mini-web server they rolled up on their own? How can I find out?
Now, if I want to write my own application that serves web pages through the internet, an application that the user could run without having to install a web server, how would I do it? What technology / .NET classes should I use?
Thanks and this is a great site!