I am making a seperate thread here because I believe if I write a comment, the comment won't push the thread to the top and thus there'll be notification for anyone who has written to that thread.
This code was supplied by Micheal Buen at the thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/410324/writing-text-to-the-middle-of-a-file :
LinkedList<string> beatles = new LinkedList<string>();
LinkedListNode<string> nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(beatles.First, "Paul");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "George");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "Ringo");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "George");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "Ringo");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "George");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "Ringo");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "George");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "Ringo");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "George");
nextBeatles = beatles.AddAfter(nextBeatles, "Ringo");
// change the 1 to your 5th line
LinkedListNode<string> paulsNode = beatles.NodeAt(6);
LinkedListNode<string> recentHindrance = beatles.AddBefore(paulsNode, "Yoko");
recentHindrance = beatles.AddBefore(recentHindrance, "Aunt Mimi");
beatles.AddBefore(recentHindrance, "Father Jim");
Console.WriteLine("{0}", string.Join("\n", beatles.ToArray()));
public static class Helper
public static LinkedListNode<T> NodeAt<T>(this LinkedList<T> l, int index)
LinkedListNode<T> x = l.First;
while ((index--) > 0)
x = x.Next;
return x;
What I am wondering is, what does the extension method achieve?
On first pass, x = x.Next means we are looking at Ringo rather than George, and so on. What exactly is happening under the bonnet and what is the code doing from the point when I call NodeAt(6) onwards? I ask this as it's important to be able to read and understand code without using the stepping through approach as an aid (sometimes at work you will read code in a printed document, for example). Also, why do we count backwards in the loop and why is there a bracket to subtract 1 before entering the loop body?