Using quest powershell on a Windows 2003 Server running Exchange 2003, is there a way to query a user's activesync or oma is enabled or disabled?
EDIT: This is arguably a duplicate of your own question from Dec. 3, 2008.
Using quest powershell on a Windows 2003 Server running Exchange 2003, is there a way to query a user's activesync or oma is enabled or disabled?
EDIT: This is arguably a duplicate of your own question from Dec. 3, 2008.
function Get-OmaAdminWirelessEnable($obj)
{ switch($obj)
$null {"N/A"; break}
0 {"Enabled"}
1 {"ActiveSync is Disabled"; break}
2 {"OMA is Disabled"; break}
4 {"Disable Always Up-To-Date (AUTD)"; break}
7 {"All ActiveSync Features disabled"; break}
default {"Unknown"}
$oma = @{name="OMA";expression={ Get-OmaAdminWirelessEnable $_.msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable }}
Get-QADUser -sizeLimit 0 -IncludedProperties msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable | select name,$oma