



Hello, I'm trying to do make the following selection:

$(".program", row)

Where "row" is a jQuery object containing two table rows. One of the tr's has the class 'program". This selector doesn't seem to find it. However the following works:

$(".title", row)

where div.title is a descendant of tr.program.

If I use a jQuery object as a selector context, am I not able to match top-level elements of that jQuery object?




You most certainly are able to match the top level elements. Could we see the source you're using? Your code should be working, so there's probably a problem in the HTML itself.


You're on the right path with descendants. Passing context to a selector searches for all descendants found in that context.

In your case, since the object is not a "parent containing two rows", but rather "a collection of rows", .program is not selectable. Since .title is an actual descendant in your collection, it is selectable.

Peter J
Cool. Thanks for confirming my observation. My object is the restult of $(someHTML).appendTo(aTable). Any suggestions about the best way to select one of those rows by class? I could iterate over the jquery object, but I'm hoping for someting a little prettier.
Iteration using jQuery's $.each function is not so ugly, if you want to retain your existing selector code.
Peter J

My understanding is that context needs to be root level i.e. a parent within which you want to make your selection.

EDIT: Having now done some reading, you should be able to match top level elements of the context (the default context is document).

Beardscratchers has a good article on using context with jQuery selectors. In general, you should attempt to pass an element id as the context for a jQuery wrapped set, as it is the most performant way of locating an element.

Internally, selector context is implemented with the .find method, so $(selector, context) is equivalent to $(context).find(selector)

Russ Cam
+4  A: 

It looks like you're trying to select elements out of the ones you already have selected (residing in the jQuery object).

Context, as far as jQuery is concerned, is like specifying a parent - the context is a node somewhere ABOVE what you're looking for in the DOM tree. The context is where jQuery will look for the selector you've specified.

If I am correct about what you're attempting to do then this should work:


// And then:
+1  A: 

Brandon Aaron has a must read article on jQuery context
