




In MySQL you can quite simply read a file with SELECT load_file('foo.txt') and write to a file with SELECT 'text' INTO DUMPFILE 'foo.txt'.

I am looking for a way to do this in MSSQL 2000 without using any external tools, just with queries or stored procedures.

+2  A: 

There are a few ways you can do this.

using xp_cmdshell:

declare @writetofile varchar(1000) select @writetofile = 'osql -U -P -S -Q"select * from yourtable" -o"c:\foo.txt" ' exec master..xp_cmdshell @writetofile

Or you can use bcp from the command line to read/write to files, which is usually quicker to do bulk inserts/selects

Alternatively, you can also use sp_OACreate.. but you probably don't want to go this route... since it's not exactly what databases are meant to do. :)

I dont have xp_cmdshell, and as said I dont want external tools like bcp. Could you please explain the sp_OACreate further?
Patrick Daryll Glandien
The file operations in MySQL aren't particularly standard and there is no real equivalent; the options posted here by volatilsis are really your only options on SQL Server.
Well, thanks then, upvote given to both, although none of the methods really work for my case :/
Patrick Daryll Glandien
The main issue you're dealing with in sql server are permissions to the file system.
+3  A: 

For input, you can use the text file ODBC driver:

select * from OpenRowset('MSDASQL', 'Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};DefaultDir=c:\;','select * from [FileName.csv]')

Assuming the output file already exists, you can use Jet to write to it:

INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Text;Database=C:\;HDR=Yes;', 'SELECT * FROM filename.csv') SELECT 1234,5678


You can also use BULK INSERT to read files.

Cade Roux